· lessons learned · 2 min read

Eight Ways to Know You're a Podcast Lover

Tim and Kyle highlight eight podcasting firsts every podcaster will experience along the road to becoming a podcast lover.

Tim and Kyle highlight eight podcasting firsts every podcaster will experience along the road to becoming a podcast lover.

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Podwrecked Ep.017

Episode #017

  • We highlight eight podcasting lessons learned every podcaster will experience

What did we learn?

  1. The first interview where you forgot to hit record
  2. The first time you podfaded a podcast
  3. The first time you take someone’s phone and subscribe them to your show
  4. The first podcasting conference we attended
  5. The first 5-hour editing session for only 15-minute show removing ums
  6. The first piece of equipment
  7. The first time you are interviewed by a podcaster
  8. The first time you record a question for the School of Podcasting


“OKAY audio does not kill mediocre content, but BAD audio will murder great content every day of the week.”
― Steve Stewart, Podcast Editor’s Club


Additional Reading

Podcast Mentions

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